1) The word ‘Hindu’ as reference to the people of Hind (India) was first used by:
- (a) The Greeks
- (b) the Romans
- (c) the Chinese
- (d) the Arabs
2) Who among the following was a Brahmavadini who composed some hymns of the Vedas?
- (a) Lopamudra
- (b) Gargi
- (c) Leelavati
- (d) Savitri
3. The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is mentioned in the:
- (a) Chhandogyopanishad
- (b) Mundakopanishad
- (c) Kathopanishad
- (d) Kenopanishad
4) In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period women and Sudras speak:
- (a) Sanskrit
- (b) Prakrit
- (c) Pali
- (d) Sauraseni
5) The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to his inscriptions is:
- (a) Chakravarti
- (b) Dharmadeva
- (c) Dharmakirti
- (d) Priyadarsi
6) The term ‘Yavanapriya’ mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted:
- (a) a fine variety of Indian Muslim
- (b) ivory
- (c) damsels sent to the Greek court for dance performance
- (d) pepper
7) The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by:
- (a) Mahayana Buddhism
- (b) Hinayana Buddhism
- (c) Jainism
- (d) The Lokayata School
8. According to ancient Indian cosmogonic ideas the se uential order of the cycle of four acons(yugas) is:
- (a) Dvapara, Krita, Treta and Kali
- (b) Krita, Dvapara, Treta and Kali
- (c) Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali
- (d) Treta, Dvapara, Kali and Krita
9. Which one of the following temples figured in the news regarding the institution of the Devadasi?
- (a) Jagannath temple, Puri
- (b) Pashupatinath temple, Kathmandu
- (c) Kandariya Mahadev temple, Khajuraho
- (d) Chausath Yogini temple, Bhedaghat
10. The river most mentioned in early Vedic literature is:
- (a) Sindhu
- (b) Sutudri
- (c) Sarasvati
- (d) Ganga
11. Which one of the following is not a part of early Jains literature?
- (a) Therigatha
- (b) Acarangasutra
- (c) Sutrakritanga
- (d) Brihatkalpasutra
12. Which of the following were common to both Buddhism and Jainism?
- 1. Avoidance of extremities of penance and enjoyment
- 2. Indifference to the authority of the Vedas
- 3. Denial of efficacy of rituals
- 4. Non-injury to animal life
- (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
- (b) 2, 3 and 4
- (c) 1, 3 and 4
- (d) 1 and 2
13. In the context of ancient Indian society which one of the following terms does not belong to the category of the other three?
- (a) Kula
- (b) Vamsa
- (c) Kosa
- (d) Gotra
14. Who among the following is known for his work on medicine during the Gupta period?
- (a) Saumilla
- (b) Sudraka
- (c) Shaunaka
- (d) Susrutha
15. Which one of the following sculptures was invariably used green schist as the medium?
- (a) Maurya sculptures
- (b) Mathura sculptures
- (c) Bharhut sculptures
- (d) Gandhara sculptures
16. The term ‘Apabhramsa’ was used in medieval Sanskrit texts to denote:
- (a) outcastes among the Rajputs
- (b) deviations from Vedic rituals
- (c) early forms of some of the modem Indian language
- (d) non-Sanskrit verse metres
17. Milindapanho is in the form of a dialogue between the king Menander and Buddhist monk:
- (a) Nagasena
- (b) Nagarjuna
- (c) Nagabhatta
- (d) Kumarilabhatta
18. Which one of the following texts of ancient India allows divorce to a wife deserted by her husband?
- (a) Kamasutra
- (b) ManavaDharma Shastra
- (c) Sukra Nitisara
- (d) Arthashastra
19. Which one of the following statements regarding Ashoka stone pillars is incorrect?
- (a) These are highly polished
- (b) These are monolithic
- (c) The shaft of pillars is tapering in shape
- (d) These are parts of architectural structures
20. Which one of the following scripts of ancient India was written from right to left?
- (a) Brahmi
- (b) Nandnagari
- (c) Sharada
- (d) Kharoshthi
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Q.No | Answer |
1 | a |
2 | a |
3 | c |
4 | b |
5 | d |
6 | d |
7 | c |
8 | c |
9 | a |
10 | a |
11 | a |
12 | b |
13 | c |
14 | d |
15 | c |
16 | c |
17 | a |
18 | d |
19 | d |
20 | d |

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