UPSC : CSE/IAS Material - Ecology, Environment & Biodiversity (NCERT)
- Organism and Population
- Ecosystem
- Biodiversity & its conservation
- Environmental Issues
- Coral reefs
- Mesophotic corals
- Bio-rock technology
- Wetlands international & loktak lake
- bird life international
- Ramsar convention
- Montreux record
- Ramsar wetlands sites in india
- National wetland conservation programme
- National river conservation plan (nrcp)
- Mangroves in india
- Forest right act, 2006
- Forest survey of india (fsi)
- Botanical and zoological survey of india
- State of forest report 2019
- The national forest policy (1988)
- Green credit scheme
- Tropical forest alliance 2020
- Miyawaki method
- Biodiversity hotspots
- Environment protection act, 1986
- Wild life protection act (wpa), 1972
- National wildlife action plan (nwap) 2017-2031
- Project tiger
- Tiger corridors in india
- List of tiger reserves
- Asiatic lion conservation project
- Project elephant
- Elephant corridors
- Monitoring of illegal killing of elephants (mike)
- Elephant reserves in india
- Gaj yatra
- International union for conservation of nature (iucn)
- convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (cites)
- Animal welfare board of india (awbi)
- World wide fund for nature (wwf)
- Convention on biological diversity (cbd)
- The cartagena protocol on bio-safety
- Nagoya protocol
- Aichi biodiversity targets (2011-2020)
- Alliance to end plastic waste
- Plastic ban
- International ocean discovery program
- Blue flag certification
- Seabed 2030 project
- International whaling commission
- Man and biosphere reserve program (mab)
- List of biosphere reserves in india
- Wildlife sanctuaries
- National parks
- Unesco global geoparks
- Ecologically sensitive zones (eszs)
- Asian waterbird census (awc)
- convention on the conservation of migratory species (cms) of wild animals
- National action plan for conservation of migratory birds
- National bamboo mission
- Svalbard global seed vault
- Indian seed vault
- State of india's birds 2020 report
- Green house effect and ghg’s
- Intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc)
- Un environment program (unep)
- United nations convention on climate change
- (unfccc)
- Conference of parties (cop)
- Reducing emissions from deforestation and
- Forest degradation (redd)
- Kyoto protocol
- Doha amendments
- Paris climate deal
- Carbon credit
- Carbon pricing
- Ozone layer
- Vienna convention
- Montreal protocol (mp)
- Kigali agreement (2016)
- Polar vortex
- India’s interest in arctic
- Indian laboratories in antarctica
- Climate vulnerability index
- Third pole
- Un climate action summit 2019
- Effect of climate change
- Indian monsoon
- El nino
- Indian ocean dipole
- Ocean deoxygenation
- Ocean acidification