UPSC : Governor
- The governor is the chief executive head of the state and nominal executive head / an agent of the central government (dual role).
- The governor of a province (state) is appointed by the president (Centre) (Canadian model).
- The parliamentary system is also followed in the states as well.
- Part VI of the Constitution deals with the states government.
- Articles 153 to 167 in Part VI.
- The state executive - the governor, the chief minister, the council of ministers and the advocate general of the state.
- As per the 7th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956 the same person can be appointed as a governor for two or more states.
- The governor is appointed by the president. But the Draft Constitution provided for the direct election of the governor.
- The Constitution lays down only two qualifications for the appointment of a person as a governor.
1. He should be a citizen of India.
2. He should have completed the age of 35 years. - Additionally two conventions are followed-
1. He should not belong to the state where he is appointed.
2. The president is required to consult the chief minister of the state concerned. - The oath of office to the governor is administered by the chief justice of the concerned state high court.
- A governor holds office for a term of five years (pleasure of the President).
- No procedure is laid down in the constitution regarding the removal of the Governor.
The powers and functions of the governor -
1. Executive powers.
2. Legislative powers.
3. Financial powers.
4. Judicial powers.
Important Articles-
153. Governors of states
154. Executive power of state
155. Appointment of Governor
156. Term of office of Governor
157. Qualifications for appointment as Governor
161. Power of the Governor to grant pardons and others
163. Council of ministers to aid and advise the Governor
164. Other provisions as to ministers like appointments, term, salaries, and others
165. Advocate-General for the state
176. Special address by the Governor
200. Assent to bills (i.e. assent of the Governor to the bills passed by the state legislature)
213. Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances

Important Announcement

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