National Human Rights Commission
National Human Rights Commission
- It is a statutory (and not a constitutional) body.
- It was established in 1993 under the act of Parliament, the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
- The commission is the watchdog of human rights in the country.
- The commission is a multi-member body, a chairperson and five members.
- The chairperson - a retired chief justice of India or a judge of the Supreme Court.
Seven ex-officio members of the commission
1. The National Commission for Minorities
2. The National Commission for scs
3. The National Commission for sts
4. The National Commission for Women
5. The National Commission for bcs
6. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
7. The Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.
Other Facts
- The chairperson and members are appointed by the president.
- The chairperson and members hold office for a term of three years or until they attain the age of 70 years.
- The commission’s headquarters is at Delhi and it can also establish offices at other places in India.
- It is vested with the power to regulate its own procedure.
- It has all the powers of a civil court and its proceedings have a judicial character.
- The commission are mainly recommendatory in nature. It has no power to punish the violators of human rights, nor to award any relief including monetary relief to the victim. Its recommendations are not binding on the concerned government or authority.
- The commission submits its annual or special reports to the Central government and to the state government concerned.