State Human Rights Commission
State Human Rights Commission
- The Protection of Human Rights Act of 1993 provides for the creation of a State Human Rights Commission at the state level.
- Twenty six states have constituted the State Human Rights Commissions through Official Gazette Notifications.
- It can inquire into violation of human rights only in respect of subjects mentioned in the State List (List-II) and the Concurrent List (List-III) of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution.
- The State Human Rights Commission is a multi-member body consisting of a chairperson and two members. The chairperson should be a retired Chief Justice or a Judge of a High Court.
- The chairperson and members are appointed by the Governor.
- The chairperson and members hold office for a term of three years or until they attain the age of 70 years.
- The Commission is vested with the power to regulate its own procedure. It has all the powers of a civil court.
- The Commission submits its annual or special reports to the state government.
- The Human Rights Courts are established in every district for the speedy trial of violation of human rights.
- The Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Act, 2019.